Advanced Materials for Electronics

Printed Circuit Copper Etchants

Ferric chloride solutions for etching copper, copper alloy and Kovar in printed circuit board applications. Ammonium Persulfate Etchant for Thin Film applications.

For immersion etching

For spray etching techniques

For thin film and PC circuits


  • Ready – to – use
  • Highly compatible with widely used photoresists
  • Etches copper with straight sides
  • Easily processed


Transene Printed Circuit Copper Etchants (CE-100 and CE-200) are ferric chloride solutions formulated with proprietary wetting antifoam plus chelating additives to optimize etching performance. Ferric chloride solutions are the most widely used etchants for copper, copper alloys and Kovar in printed circuit board applications. The etchants are highly compatible with commonly used photoresists (KLT 6000 series, KLT 5003 series, TRANSIST, HARE SQ, PKP-308PI, AZ, Dow) These etchants should not be used when solder-plated resists are employed.
APS-100 Copper Etchant is formulated for controlled etching providing fine line definition suitable for thin film circuits. Additionally, compatibility with tin-lead solders is assured.



How do I increase the etch rate? 1. The rate will approximately double with every 10°C increase in temperature.
2. Increase the rate of stirring or agitation.
How do I reduce the etch rate? Adding 1 part deionized water to 2 parts etchant will reduce the etch rate approximately 50%.
Do I need to dilute the etchant? No, it is ready to use.
How do I reduce undercutting? Increase the rate of stirring or agitation.
Appearance Brown
pH Acidic
Etch Rate at 40°C 1 mil/minute (etches 1 oz copper in 90 seconds)
Etch Capacity (rate declines at ~70%) 19 oz/gallon
Shelf Life 1 year
Storage Conditions Ambient
Filtration 1 um
Recommended Operating Temperatures 20-80oC (30-40oC most common)
Rinse Deionized water
Photoresist Recommendations KLT6000 Series, KLT 5300 Series, HARE SQ (SU-8 type), TRANSIST, or PKP-308PI
Select Compatible Materials Au, oxide, nitride, alumina

See for more details.

Select Incompatible Materials Al, Ni, Ti
Compatible Plastics HDPE, PP, Teflon, PFA, PVC
Country of Origin USA
Availability Stock item
Available Sizes Quart, Gallon, 5 Gallon, 55 Gallon
Packaging HDPE
Packing 4 gallons/case
Isotropy Isotropic
Incompatible Chemicals Strong bases, nitric acid
Additional Information Immersion or spray application


How do I increase the etch rate? 1. The rate will approximately double with every 10°C increase in temperature.
2. Increase the rate of stirring or agitation.
How do I reduce the etch rate? Adding 1 part deionized water to 2 parts etchant will reduce the etch rate approximately 50%.
Do I need to dilute the etchant? No, it is ready to use.
How do I reduce undercutting? Increase the rate of stirring or agitation.
Appearance Brown
pH Acidic
Etch Rate at 40°C 0.5 mil/minute (etches 1 oz copper in 180 seconds)
Etch Capacity (rate declines at ~70%) 14 oz/gallon
Shelf Life 1 year
Storage Conditions Ambient
Filtration 1 um
Recommended Operating Temperatures 20-80oC (30-40oC most common)
Rinse Deionized water
Photoresist Recommendations KLT6000 Series, KLT 5300 Series, HARE SQ (SU-8 type), TRANSIST, or PKP-308PI
Select Compatible Materials Au, oxide, nitride, alumina

See for more details.

Select Incompatible Materials Al, Ni, Ti
Compatible Plastics HDPE, PP, Teflon, PFA, PVC
Country of Origin USA
Availability Stock item
Available Sizes Quart, Gallon, 5 Gallon, 55 Gallon
Packaging HDPE
Packing 4 gallons/case
Isotropy Isotropic
Incompatible Chemicals Strong bases, nitric acid
Additional Information Immersion or spray application


How do I increase the etch rate? 1. The rate will approximately double with every 10°C increase in temperature.
2. Increase the rate of stirring or agitation.
How do I reduce the etch rate? Adding 1 part deionized water to 2 parts etchant will reduce the etch rate approximately 50%.
Do I need to dilute the etchant? No, it is ready to use.
How do I reduce undercutting? Increase the rate of stirring or agitation.
Appearance Water-white
pH Acidic
Etch Rate at 40°C 80 Å /second (etches 1 oz copper in 7 ½ minutes)
Etch Capacity (rate declines at ~70%) 10 oz/gallon
Shelf Life 6 months
Storage Conditions Ambient
Filtration 1 um
Recommended Operating Temperatures 20-80oC (30-40oC most common)
Rinse Deionized water
Photoresist Recommendations KLT6000 Series, KLT 5300 Series, HARE SQ (SU-8 type), TRANSIST, or PKP-308PI
Select Compatible Materials Au, oxide, nitride, alumina

See for more details.

Select Incompatible Materials Al, Ni
Compatible Plastics HDPE, PP, Teflon, PFA, PVC
Country of Origin USA
Availability 1-2 days
Available Sizes Quart, Gallon, 5 Gallon, 55 Gallon
Packaging HDPE
Packing 4 gallons/case
Isotropy Isotropic
Incompatible Chemicals Flammables, combustibles, strong bases
Additional Information Immersion or spray application.  Vented cap storage


Copper Immersion Etchant (CE-100) is supplied ready-to-use. Recommended operating temperature is 40-60 °C. Many users discard spent etchant at 50% solution exhaustion (i.e. after etching 8-10 oz. Cu metal/gal.) and replace with fresh etchant.
After etching 8 oz. Cu metal/gal. etch rates may become longer than desired. Addition of 500 ml HCl (37%) per gallon of etchant will effectively increase etch rate and allow use of etchant to 70% solution exhaustion (14 oz. Cu metal/gal.) Agitation of work in the etchant bath is advisable and will increase etch rates and improve definition.

Copper Spray Etchant (CE-200) is supplied ready-to-use. The recommended operating temperature is
40-60 °C. Its use is recommended for spray etching techniques and will provide precision etching at controlled rates. Spent etchant should be discarded and replaced with fresh etchant when etch rates become longer than desired. (i.e. 7-8 oz. Cu metal/gal.)
After etching with either CE-100 or CE-200, rinse work with heavy water spray followed by a rinse with 5 – 10% HCl (or oxalic acid) then final water spray.

Use PVC, glass, or epoxy-coated tanks. Heaters may be quartz, carbon or titanium. Neutralize spent CE-100/200 with calcium carbonate and dilute with water. Sewer disposal is not recommended.


Copper Etchant 49-1
Copper Etchant BTP


Transene Copper Etchant 49-1 is a high purity, controllable etchant for specific microelectronic etch applications such as gallium arsenide or copper. Copper Etchant 49-1 is fully compatible with solders used in new lead free technology such as 100% tin and tin 97%-silver 3% as well as gold, nickel, and nickel-vanadium alloys. Copper Etch BTP provides a faster etch rate while maintaining nickel compatibility.

Copper Etchant 49-1 White Paper


How do I increase the etch rate? 1. The rate will approximately double with every 10°C increase in temperature.
2. Increase the rate of stirring or agitation.
How do I reduce the etch rate? Adding 1 part deionized water to 2 parts etchant will reduce the etch rate approximately 50%.
Do I need to dilute the etchant? No, it is ready to use.
How do I reduce undercutting? Increase the rate of stirring or agitation.
Appearance Clear, Colorless
pH 5.9-6.3
Etch Rate at 25°C 40 Å/second
Etch Capacity (rate declines at ~70%) Typically 90-100 wafers/gallon
Shelf Life 9 months
Storage Conditions Ambient, but refrigeration preferred
Filtration 1 um
Recommended Operating Temperatures 20-80oC (30-40oC most common)
Rinse Deionized water
Photoresist Recommendations KLT6000 Series, KLT 5300 Series, HARE SQ (SU-8 type), TRANSIST, or PKP-308PI
Select Compatible Materials Au, Ti, oxide, nitride, Si, Ni

See for more details.

Select Incompatible Materials III-V, Zn
Compatible Plastics HDPE, PP, Teflon, PFA, PVC
Country of Origin USA
Availability 1-2 days
Available Sizes Quart, Gallon, 5 Gallon, 55 Gallon
Packaging HDPE
Packing 4 gallons/case
Isotropy Isotropic
Incompatible Chemicals Strong bases
Additional Information Extend bath life by monitoring/maintaining peroxide concentration and pH


How do I increase the etch rate? 1. The rate will approximately double with every 10°C increase in temperature.
2. Increase the rate of stirring or agitation.
How do I reduce the etch rate? Adding 1 part deionized water to 2 parts etchant will reduce the etch rate approximately 50%.
Do I need to dilute the etchant? No, it is ready to use.
How do I reduce undercutting? Increase the rate of stirring or agitation.
Appearance Deep purple
pH >9
Etch Rate at 30°C 150 Å/second
Etch Capacity (rate declines at ~70%) 65 g/gallon
Shelf Life 1 year
Storage Conditions Ambient
Filtration 1 um
Recommended Operating Temperatures 20-80oC (30-40oC most common)
Rinse Deionized water
Photoresist Recommendations PKP-308PI, HARE SQ (SU-8 type)
Select Compatible Materials Au, oxide, nitride, Ni, Ti

See for more details.

Select Incompatible Materials
Compatible Plastics HDPE, PP, Teflon, PFA, PVC
Country of Origin USA
Availability 1-2 days
Available Sizes Quart, Gallon, 5 Gallon, 55 Gallon
Packaging HDPE
Packing 4 gallons/case
Isotropy Isotropic
Incompatible Chemicals Strong acids
Additional Information


Selective Copper Etchants are best used at slightly elevated temperatures. Avoid temperatures above 60 °C. Continuous mild agitation is required.

Selective Copper Etchants are manufactured using high purity raw materials such as semi or ACS Reagent chemicals and 10-18 resistivity deionized water. The pH of both solutions is maintained using ammonium hydroxide.