Advanced Materials for Electronics

Microchrome Technology Products

Negative and Reversal Process Chemistries:
Reversal Emulsion Process Sheet

Step Time
(In Minutes)
1) Expose photoplate. Determine exposure empirically.
2) 7 D-8 Developer. Develop with gentle agitation 5 seconds every 30 seconds at room temp. ( 70 F +/–1F). Process in Tank or APT.
3) 2 Rinse with filtered DI water using immersion or spray.
4) 2 B-2 Reversal Bleach. Immerse in B-2 bleach with gentle agitation 5 seconds every 30 seconds.
5) 2 Rinse with filtered DI water using immersion or spray.
6) 2 C-2 Reversal Clearing Bath. Immerse in C-2 clear bath with gentle agitation 5 seconds every 30 sec.
7) 2 Rinse with filtered DI water using immersion or
spray. During this step us a re-exposure lamp to
completely re-expose plates.
8) 2-4 D-5 Negative Developer. Develop with gentle
agitation 5 seconds every 30 seconds.
9) 2 Rinse with filtered DI water using immersion or spray.
10) 2-4 F-4 Fixer. Fix plates with gentle agitation for 5 seconds every 30 seconds.
11) 2-4 Wash plates thoroughly using filtered DI water
immersion or spray.
12) 12 Dry in clean, class 100 environment. If rinser dryer
Is used, all himidity must be exhausted out of the dryer. If methyl alcohol is used ascertain that it
Is very clean and all safety precautions are noted.

Note: Use PCS-605 Photomask Cleaning Solution to reclean masks after handling.
Shorter process times may be used if ATP processing is implemented.


1. Agitate plate for 5 seconds every 30 seconds for the develop
step. Agitate 5 seconds every minute for the remainder of
the steps.

2. Use fresh chemistry–change as often as required/needed.